Tuesday 11 March 2008

Today has been and gone too quickly. I had so many plans for today and guess what, I haven't completed any of them. Not one single task that I wanted to do hehe. Makes me feel like I have been extremely lazy, but other stuff got in the way.

I've been really good food wise, I'm focused and haven't gone over my points at all. But this evening the terrible chocolate craving kicked in BIG style. I was in serious danger of going to the shop to get me a bar of choccie. But OH said I had to drive (it's about a 7 minute walk to tesco) and I didn't want to. I managed to get rid of the craving by making some nutella on toast, so I didn't devastate the points in the end.

I went to pick up my current sick note from the doctor today. I asked for a note for 3 weeks as I suppose I should go back to the job I hate. I picked up the note and I see that the doctor has written it for 4 weeks. An extra week, I should be pleased, but I spoke to my boss yesterday and she asked me when I thought I would be going back (yes I know, it's illiegal for her to do that but hey) and I said that it would probably be the 24th of this month. If I decide to stick to that date, it means that I have to go back to the doctors and ask for another certificate to state that I am fit for work. Why is it never straight forward??
I decided on friday to contact a bereavement organisation. I'm not sure if it's for me but maybe it will help me deal with some of my "issues". We are still waiting for news from the hospital with regard to seeing the consultant to find out the results of the post mortem.

I've been feeling kind of "off" today. I don't really know how to explain it. I've achieved nothing, I feel guilty for bouncing off the walls yesterday, I would like to start working for myself rather than having to put my son into breakfast club and arranging for someone else to pick him up while I work at a job I really really dislike - something that I hope will be in place towards the later part of this year. Knowing what I ma like that won't happen!!

Well it's time for me to get myself to bed, will write again soon. Take care! x

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