Saturday 22 March 2008


Sorry but I needed to do that. I've had a sneaky peek at the scales (yes I know I shouldn't) but it says that I have put on 1lb!!!!! How did that happen? I've been good all week, I haven't gone over my points I have tracked every single thing that has passed my lips (I don't eat/drink anything until I've tracked it). So what has gone wrong? Goodness knows, in the past I have let this lead me off track. But this time is different, I don't know why, this time although I am extremely disappointed, it has made me more determined for next week.

I have been really really busy this week. I have been decorating (feels like I've been decorating forever) but I am slowly getting there. Just need to finish the gloss in the lounge (1 wall of skirting board to go) and gloss in the dining room, then the only room left to sort out it the spare room and that is a small room and won't take very long. My next project is going to be a bit bigger. I'm going to install a new kitchen. Or I should say I am going to finish installing the new kitchen. We started doing it 18 months ago, but OH's Grandma passed away and we had to use the money for the kitchen for flights to go to her funeral. The wall units are in - just need to rip out the base units and replace them and lay the laminate flooring. I'm hoping this will be done in the next couple of months. (depending on funds!!)

My last project is the garden. Oh my goodness that is a huge project. The ground needs ripping up and levelling. I'm thinking of putting in a patio and then a couple of steps down onto the lawn. It's going to take time but I'm hoping that by July it will be taking shape. I might also do something with the piece of lawn at the front of the house too. My reasoning for this is it's going to give me loads of exercise because of the hard graft that is involved in doing it. Hopefully by the end of the summer school term the house will be finished!! Fingers crossed anyway.

Well I have bored all you people for far too long so I'm going to sign off now. I'll post on WI day (Monday)

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