Sunday 16 March 2008

It feels like it was a long time ago since I last posted. I've had a busy week what with one thing and another.

I had a sneaky peek on the scales yesterday morning and it looks like I'm going to stay the same this week. I've been really good and extremely focused (not like me at all) but I think I've been a little "too" good, one day this week I was 17.5 points under what I should have been for the day. It was a particularly busy day and I just didn't get around to eating very much. I think my body has decided that I haven't been feeding it enough so it's holding onto all of my fat!!! lol

On another positive note, I borrowed OH's cycle on friday again. I cycled about 5 miles in 40 minutes and I was really proud of myself. Not only for getting on the cycle in the first place but also because I didn't get off and push the cycle up any of the hills. I was determined I was going to cycle all the way and I stuck to it. This is a huge achievement for me. Can't use it at the moment cos OH has decided to upgrade a couple of the parts and now it's not running the way he wants it too.... he's been working on it for over 8 hours now.

I have made a decision that I am going to take up badminton. My friend wants to play and when I told OH what we were going to do he said he'd like to play as well. Can't be bad... I'm not very good lol but it's exercise and I can't grumble at that. I need to contact the leisure centre and find out prices and when we can book a court.

Well it's weigh-in tomorrow morning, I can't say I'm going to be disappointed if I do stay the same this week, but regardless of the result I am not going to let it deter me from my journey of losing weight. I know that all my efforts are going to improve my health no matter how small the achievement.

Time to go and enjoy my pointed wine now lol I'll post tomorrow with the weigh in result. Good or bad it's all part of the journey.

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