Sunday 10 August 2008

Another Update

Sorry it's been so long - I had every intention of updating earlier in the week but I've been so busy this week.

Paranoia has kicked in BIG style this weekend. I've spent far too much time convincing myself that everything is going wrong again. Not good for me. I've been trying my hardest to stay positive but it's proving more difficult as the weeks go by.

I've reached and passed one goal - I'm over halfl way through now. I'll be having a c-section at 38 weeks so on wednesday it was my half way goal. Next goal is to get to 24 weeks, we lost Ethan at 23+4 so 24 is a huge goal. Not only will it get us past the time that we lost Ethan but also the baby reaches viability at 24 weeks.

I have my anomoly scan on August 19th, fingers crossed that it all goes ok. We still haven't made a decision as to whether we are going to tell my son yet - a friend has offered to watch him while I have my scan if I need her to. I've got 9 days to decide that one.

Our families still don't know either - we weren't goingg to tell them until September but we have members of my family staying with us at the end of August and I don't want them to know before my mom does. Another decision that needs to be made in the next few days lol

I don't think there is much else to catch up on - I still have finished decluttering the house which I want and need to be done by Wednesday. Oh well we shall see lol

Take care xx

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