Saturday 12 July 2008

Time for another update!!

I am getting a tiny bit excited, for the last week and a half I have been convinced that I have felt the baby moving but my head kept telling me it is faaaaar too early. Well yesterday I felt definite movement. The reassurance is fantastic and I can only hope that everything stays running smoothly til the end. I am trying to enjoy this pregnancy although it's difficult at times because of the negative thoughts that keep nagging in the back of my head.

I have only got another 2 weeks at work and then it's the summer holidays. Just oveer 5 weeks off woooohooooo I can't wait. So much to do in those 5 weeks though. I want to get the house finally sorted out so that I can get registered for childminding asap. I still need to do my first aid course but funds are preventing me at the moment. I also need to complete another sort course before september too. But fingers crossed I won't get any hiccups!!! (probably just jinxed myself hey lol)

The weather is terrible here. You would never in a million years think that it was supposed to be summer because of all the terrible rain we are having. Oh well.

Again not much else has happened recently. My pregnancy exhaustion still hasn't passed completely but it's getting much better, I can function almost like a normal human being for more of the day than I have been able to in recent weeks.

Will post again soon

Take care all


1 comment:

Joanne said...

Hi Amarula! So glad your pregnancy is ticking along like it should be. The movements you are feeling might be everything moving to make way for the baby so it is still movements! I had that very early on with my pregnancy. Anyway, don't complain about the rain, we are still on water restrictions, no watering of gardens etc. I have been sneaking water to my fruit trees and bucketing it out of the bath to keep them alive! Stay safe and catch you soon,
Love Joanne.