Monday 30 June 2008

Time for an update!!! LOL

So I've been neglecting my blog - a lot.

I can't believe how fast the last couple of weeks have past.

Everything is going good for now - the baby is doing great, according to the last scan (last week). I'm still very nervous but I'm trying to get through each day the best I can. I can't wait for the tiredness to subside but fortunately that is my only pregnancy symptom so it's kinda nice to have 1. I have my next consultants appointment on 22 July, but unfortunately I don't get a scan at that appointment because they are hoping they will be able to hear the heartbeat through the doppler as I will be 17 weeks by then.

I only have another 3 weeks and 4 days left until the end of term and then it's 6 weeks off until the new school year starts. I can't wait until the end of this term for a number of reasons but mostly so that I can catch up on some much needed sleep.

Not much else has happened recently - well nothing interesting anyway. I promise I will keep this page update more regularly as soon as the exhaustion subsides.

Look after yourself xx

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