Saturday 3 May 2008

I haven't posted for a couple of weeks

I have been so so busy.

Quick update on the weight loss - I'v e stayed the same for the last 2 weeks, a little disheartening but at least it's not a gain even if I'm not going in the right direction.

Now for other news - I am pregnant!!!! (Due date 31 December 2008) I'm happy, excited, scared, petrified, worried etc etc. We have decided to keep this pregnancy a secret so you can't tell anyone ok!! lol I haven't managed to keep it a complete secret and of the few people I have told only 1, yes that's right - 1, has shown she is excited for us and she is an extremely good friend to me. The others? well they just don't matter, I'm sure they are thinking that it is too soon after losing Ethan, but despite what they think, this baby was very much planned for and is very very much wanted and loved. We want to keep it a secret from our families because we don't live near mine or DP's family and it will only give them a reason to worry about us even more than they already do. So it's going to be a secret for as long as possible.

I'm already in contact with my GP and she is being extremely supportive - on top of all the other appointments I will be having, she wants to see me once a month just to make sure that I am ok and that I don't have any concerns. At the moment I am trying to be very relaxed but I don't know how long that will last lol

This baby WILL be coming home - I have decided and that's the final word on the matter - we are going to have a happy healthy screaming baby.

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